purajit | thoughts


all of this we have to do while the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere grows making us stupider


It's sad that we can only lick with our tongues

to combat climate change I propose switching all oil drilling machinery and gas station lights to solar

the suburban dream of buying a large house with big windows and high ceilings and then covering it all up because you're paranoid about your neighbors

Endless, breathless, perennial greenery, achingly bursting out of every crevice!

france is full of men with exactly one friend and they're both into electronic music

knowing how to count honestly so helpful


there cannot be THAT many restaurants with bathroom windows large enough for your date to climb out of

arbitrary cynicism is cheap, unprofound, also usually just wrong

feeling sad and lonely? take out a loan!

what is a haiku? / must it be satisfying? / what if it ain't?

won't someone please think of the property values

i worry that living alone has made me a weird person

macOS El CPython


okay can the last person who used up the toilet paper please replace it, i pissedly say, living alone

The thought that there are experiences owed to my parents by society that I can never give them because I don't live in the same society is one I'll never fully come to terms with

no one does science music better than bjork

The more I read poetry the more I think it should be banned

it's absurd that we allow people to go around saying words like "cyclically"


"scratch" is the best onomatopoeia there is

the goal of school should not be to get people ready for jobs or work or college

the only steady-state in grief is amnesia

we're well into kali yuga


think of the good times and gtfo

the average timezone of the world, weighted by population, is UTC+3:45 (data provided by sporcle quiz)

"soft" is a gorgeous, gorgeous word.

i've always loved sans serif fonts, but i'm realizing how much warmth there is to serifs. there's something cold and corporate about sans serif. maybe it's just that it's the current design trend, while sans serifs are used in books. serifs somehow also make font more ... discrete? there's something rather dyslexic about sans serif. maybe the lack of achor points makes them float more.


forecasters will, always and forever, be wrong.

nuance is dead. murdered in cold blood.

what really gets me about comedy is the humor of it all

there are too many artists creating art far beyond their means. pure love and utter passion. they deserve so much more. it's stupid that we get to experience it for like, fucking nothing

food is just a garlic delivery mechanism,

we're living in a world billionaires have manufactured and chosen for us

there are doughs that need kneading, and doughs that don't


which nyc subway lines are fat soluble and which ones are water soluble

mr bean, one of the dumbest characters on british television, has a great appreciation of literature, history, classical music, and has a choral sound track sung in latin

almost all new tech services boil down to tricking people that nothing should cost money, making themselves essential, and screwing over all the service providers. they convince people that the only reason shit's expensive is that things are inefficient or not "disrupted". streaming music, streaming movies, food delivery, ride sharing - it's all a grift. and they're all unraveling after having destroyed their respective ecosystems.

we live in a doomed world of climate change and no headphone jacks

the more i learn about complex analysis the more i'm convinced that the only real function is the constant function and none of the others really exist in a meaningful sense

there's so much in this world that i am yet to like.

imagine if a rock suddenly become conscious of the fact that it isn't conscious. assuming, of course, that it isn't.


my new years' resolution is to live everyday like it's the beginning of a new year - starting today


hmmm 🤔 much to consider

ah, a force dyad